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The New USDA Fertilizer Transportation Dashboard, August 21st, 3 pm

USDA Economists Seminar

“The New USDA Fertilizer Transportation Dashboard”

Wednesday, August 21st, 3 pm

Austin Hunt, USDA AMS


The Fertilizer Transportation Dashboard on the AgTransport Open Data Platform will serve as a valuable resource for bringing visibility to the fertilizer supply chain, of which there is currently a scarcity of public data. The new dashboard brings together a variety of important, regularly updated fertilizer supply chain and transportation indicators. These indicators include fertilizer production, inventory, and disappearance data for each primary nutrient (i.e., nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium); U.S. fertilizer imports (both by primary nutrient and by individual fertilizer commodity); and fertilizer price data by region for key fertilizer commodities (i.e., ammonia, Urea, UAN, DAP, MAP, and potash). Fertilizer transportation indicators include rail volume and shipment characteristics from the Surface Transportation Board’s public-use carload waybill sample; weekly rail carloads of fertilizer; a collection of rail tariff rates (i.e., fertilizer freight cost) for key routes by fertilizer commodity; and monthly barge volumes for key locks on the Mississippi River System.


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