Quantifying Economic Outcomes of Soil Health Practices, September 14th 2021, 2:30 EDT
Quantifying Economic Outcomes of Soil Health Practices, September 14th 2021, 2:30 EDT Recording, Quantifying Economic Outcomes of Soil Health Practices Passcode: 5B6@HC0*
Michelle Perez, Water Initiative Director and Project Leader for the American Farmland Trust (AFT), will share information on AFT’s effort to quantify economics outcomes of soil health practices, including highlights of their “Guide to Outcomes Estimation Tools” that describes three tools for use by farm conservation project leaders to quantify their economic outcomes: (1) NRCS Cover Crops Decision Support Tool, (2) Land Stewardship Project’s Cropping Systems Calculator, and (3) AFT’s Retrospective-Soil Health Economic Calculator Tool. In addition, Perez will introduce the four agricultural economists on AFT’s team (two are retired NRCS Economists) and provide highlights from the nine AFT-NRCS retrospective economic and environmental case studies, new predictive assessments, 15 T-Charts, & 5 economic tools.
Michelle Perez, Water Initiative Director and Project Leader, American Farmland Trust (AFT)
Florence Swartz, AFT Consultant and retired NRCS-NY Economist
Ellen Yeatman, Water Resources Specialist and Agricultural Economist, AFT
Ben Wiercinski, Agricultural Economist, AFT
June Grabemeyer, AFT Consultant and retired NRCS-MI Economist
Date: September 14th 2021, 2:30 EDT
Where: Zoom (Link Below)
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